Help us put on PPoPP 2016!
PPoPP is the forum for leading work on all aspects of parallel programming, including foundational and theoretical aspects, techniques, languages, compilers, runtime systems, tools, and practical experiences.
The conference program and associated events is an excellent opportunity to connect with students, researchers and engineers from both academia and industry. Participation from industry makes a tremendous difference, through financial donations and through the involvement of technical and non-technical representatives in the conference's activities.
We invite all companies involved in parallel computing to engage with the community. Company donations may be targeted at a specific purpose, such as subsidizing student attendance, the participation of minorities, etc. We will be happy to talk about ways to increase the visibility of our sponsors at the conference.
Donations to PPoPP start at $1000. The conference implements a tiered sponsorship plan with relative exposure sorted according to the donation, as follows:
Level | Benefits |
Bronze $1,000 |
Silver $4,000 |
Gold $8,000 |
At your preference, you may choose to direct your donation on subsidizing student attendance, or on the participation of women in engineering and minorities.
Interested in sponsoring?
Let us know!