FREE. All Features. FOREVER!

Try Our Forever Free Ux Feedback Software with All Premium Features!
Ideal for startups & micro businesses
forever free
Get real-time customer insights with up to 50 survey responses for free.
  • All premium features
  • 50 responses
  • 500 email sends & 10k pageviews
For established businesses & larger websites
per 100 responses/month
Maximize insights through a multi-channel campaign combining on-site, in-app, and email surveys.
  • All premium features
  • Dedicated onboarding manager
  • 5000 email sends & 100k pageviews
    For 1000+ responses Talk to Us

Got questions? Schedule a demo and get all your questions answered.

Ask Anything In-App, Mobile & Website

Get product feedback at the exact moment users are engaged

Solicit customer feedback while your users are engaged in your product. Gather really specific types of feedback about your product and ask pointed questions for clear, actionable data. This makes the data you obtain more valuable because it’s given in real-time. You can segment users based on pricing tiers, how long they’ve been a customer, trial or not, and more.

  • tick Qualaroo Product feedback in-app, mobile & website
  • tick Qualaroo Segment users
  • tick Qualaroo Website, mobile, iOS & Android
  • tick Qualaroo Never slows your website

User insights: simplified. Wherever you need them.

user insights on mockup
On a shared version of your mockup
get insights for a web page Your Site
Any page on your site
see insights from your competitor's site
On your competitor’s site

Nudge for Prototypes is compatible with major leaders in prototyping software.

Test Design Prototypes

Collect user insights on design & UX prototypes
Test Design Prototypes

Get input and insight on live design prototypes. Test new designs, copy, products and UX experiences. Find out what different groups think of your prototype with targeted questions. Validate your changes by sharing a new version with a portion of your community. Iterate on your solution and continuously gather feedback from relevant groups.

  • tick Qualaroo Prototype designs, copy or user experiences
  • tick Qualaroo Share prototype URL with key audiences
  • tick Qualaroo Validate changes
  • tick Qualaroo Works with InVision, AdobeXD, & more

Prevent Design Mistakes and Usability Issues Pre-Deployment With Nudge for Prototypes

Nudge for prototype

Nudge for Prototypes is your tool for collecting user insights at every stage of the design process.

Compatible with major prototyping tools like InVision, Marvel, Figma, AdobeXD, Axure, and most public URLs, collect user insights seamlessly.

With its no-code implementation, you can use Nudge for Prototypes to start collecting user insights as early as possible in the design process and have confidence in your design decisions.

Want to see Nudge for Prototypes in action?

Don’t Bug the Developers

Nudge for Prototypes is no-code: all you need is a URL to get started
start collecting user insights

With Qualaroo’s proprietary no-code implementation, you can use Nudge for Prototypes to start collecting user insights as early as possible in the design process and have confidence in your design decisions. Compatible with major prototyping tools like InVision, Marvel, Figma, AdobeXD, Axure, and most public URLs, collect user insights seamlessly. Ask as many questions as you want without bugging your developers.

  • tick Qualaroo No need for developers or code
  • tick Qualaroo Simply enter the URL
  • tick Qualaroo Ask as many questions as you need
  • tick Qualaroo Gain insight without interrupting developers

Get & Share Key Insights

Instant feedback insights & advanced reporting
instant ux feedback insights and advanced reporting

Powered by IBM WATSON, sentiment analysis helps you turn free-form text into organized data. Track mood metrics and keywords across all customer responses. Watson Sentiment Analysis makes analysis fast and comprehensive. Word Cloud feature instantly displays key ideas from free-form answers. Advanced reporting helps identify quick answers and take deep dives into your data for unparalleled user feedback insights.

  • tick Qualaroo Watson understands & categorizes results
  • tick Qualaroo Word Cloud for key concepts
  • tick Qualaroo View new & important answers
  • tick Qualaroo Bookmark responses

Conduct Competitor Research

Collect insights on any live website
collect user feedback for any website

With Qualaroo you can enter the URL of a competitor’s live website to gather feedback and insights. This helps you develop an understanding of what works and what doesn’t, and makes it easy to build competitive content and products. Qualaroo surveys can be run on the public URL of any live site and you can add survey questions in key locations and test different concepts and ideas with your audience.

  • tick Qualaroo Ask questions about any live site design
  • tick Qualaroo Ask questions in key locations
  • tick Qualaroo Test ideas & concepts with your audience
  • tick Qualaroo Find out what works & what doesn’t

Qualaroo is trusted by leading brands

Simple & Easy
Simple & Easy

For all skill levels. No software download or HTML skills needed.

Websites, Products & Apps
Websites, Products & Apps

Install code to get user feedback on websites, products & mobile apps.

Customize & Brand
Customize & Brand

Brand your Nudges with customized fonts, colors, logos & more.

Advanced Targeting
Advanced Targeting

Ask the right users at the right time for unparalleled user feedback.

Ask Any Question
Ask Any Question

Choose from over 10 question types for the perfect question, every time.

Professional Templates
Professional Templates

Never start another survey from scratch with our professional templates.

Question/Decision Branching
Question/Decision Branching

Ask the right questions to the right users politely & delightfully.

Prototype Testing
Prototype Testing

Capture user feedback quickly and painlessly at every stage.

AI Analytics & Reports
AI Analytics & Reports

Watson Sentiment Analysis, Wordcloud & advanced analytics.


What is UX feedback software?

User Experience (UX) feedback software is used on your website or mobile app to record and evaluate how the users find the experience while using your product or service. With UX feedback software, you provide the website visitors and app users the opportunity to give well-timed and specific feedback. Watch this video to know What is UX Feedback Software.

Why is UX feedback important?

The more appealing your design and the smoother your product's functionality, the more likely you are to gain more and more users. It lets you collect user insights on design and UX prototypes, conduct competitor research plus prevent design mistakes & usability issues before deploying the final design. A better UX attracts more users and revenue opportunities. Watch this video to learn Why is UX Feedback Important.

How to collect UX feedback

Use simple, short, and succinct surveys. Users are most likely to give their heartfelt responses when given freeform text boxes to type into, especially after a bad experience. These negative responses can be a goldmine of insight into user behavior, as long as you target the right users at the right time. Check out this blog to know How to Collect UX Feedback Without Distracting the User Experience.

What are some good strategies to collect UX feedback?

Decide what you want to verify or find out, don't over ask, use simple & clear language, ask questions users can really answer, avoid double-barrelled & leading questions, avoid social sanctioning, use open and closed-ended questions wisely, start with general questions and end with specific ones. Learn from these In-App Feedback Strategies to Collect UX Feedback.

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