From the course: Mindfulness Practices

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Grow self-awareness

Grow self-awareness

- Most of us think we're more self-aware than we actually are. Did you know that one of the biggest reasons most of us fail is because we have blind spots? We don't know what we don't know. Our mind can ignore new information that is outside of our belief system. There's even a term for it, it's called cognitive dissonance. When I was a general manager working in Mexico, I asked my team for feedback. One piece of feedback that was hard for me was when they told me that I was a control freak. They didn't actually use those words, but that's what they meant. I was quick to dismiss their feedback, because of course I believed I was a great delegator. Then as I started practicing mindfulness and started noticing my thoughts, I realized how much I was really invested in. I wanted to control not just what our team goals were, but how they were accomplished. Indeed, I am a bit of a control freak. Who we are, our mindsets, our behaviors are developed over time through millions of thoughts and…
