From the course: Mindfulness Practices

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Mindful practice in teams

Mindful practice in teams

- Most of us think of mindfulness as a personal practice. We do it to be more centered, to be more effective as professionals. However, many large organizations are training their employees in mindfulness so they can create cultures that unlock those benefits. One of those organizations is Aetna. Their CEO Mark Bertolini has created a mindfulness center at their headquarters. 6,000 employees have now gone through mindfulness training. Aetna's results show pretty sizable reductions in employees stress levels, reduction in absenteeism, and much lower costs of healthcare. Now, imagine what it would be like if your team and coworkers were more focused in team meetings. More trusting, empathetic, and collaborative with one another. More courageous in expressing their unique points of view, having difficult conversations, and holding each other accountable. More centered in times of change and ambiguity. And more able to engage productively with each other during times of crisis. When we…
