From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Holding objects

Holding objects

- [Instructor] Let's go into a room and see if the table we put in that room will actually fit through the door. In conjunction with the walk command, we can actually select an item, pick it up and create around with this as we roam through the building. This can be immensely useful as we're looking at things such as door openings and if equipment can be moved into a specific space. This video will focus on selecting an item and holding it as we walk through the building. So let's jump into Navisworks. Let's go to open. Let's make sure our files of type are set for all Navisworks files. I'm going to grab my Navisworksessential.nwd. I'm going to click open. I'm going to scroll around, maybe wheel into here. Notice that I used my orbit tool. Now I'm going to use my walk command. I'm going to walk into any one of these rooms right here and I'm going to right click on this table and I'm going to select round table. I…
