From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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- I know I've said this a lot throughout this chapter, but I think most people don't know you can do this in Navisworks and that it's really easy, but you can render. It's actually really cool. So let's get started by jumping into Navisworks of course. We'll go to NavisworksEssential.nwd, and in true form, I'm going to swing around and find a room to go into. Maybe I'll pick on this one here. Zoom in. Let's click on our little feet and let's walk into the room. Let's find a bathroom. Let's pan up a little bit. Notice that there's no reflection in the mirrors, again indicating this place is haunted. Let's add a light to that fixture. Let's go to autodesk rendering. Let's go to lighting. Let's turn off all our other lights like we've been doing. Turn on our glyphs. Let's click create light, and let's create a point light. Now remember, we have to place it somewhere, so we're going to place it right in the middle of our…
