From the course: Accessibility-First Design

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Hidden text and accessible naming

Hidden text and accessible naming

From the course: Accessibility-First Design

Hidden text and accessible naming

- Written content is used everywhere in a webpage or web app. It's found in long form content user interface elements, metadata and even hidden text that provides critical information for assistive technology users. Hidden text is a major aspect of accessible content design. It provides additional semantics, context, announcements and identifiers for assistive technology users. However, it's important to not overuse hidden text at the risk of segregating assistive technology users into a completely isolated user experience. Hidden text can provide alternate descriptions of multimedia, such as images and data charts which we'll cover in more depths later. It's also used to give unique labels to repeated landmark regions to describe their specific function. For example, three nav elements on a page can be labeled with global in this page and footer to help identify their purpose. Another helpful use of hidden text is to…
