From the course: Accessibility-First Design

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Respect established patterns

Respect established patterns

- [Instructor] When it comes to user interfaces it's best to follow established patterns to avoid confusing or frustrating users. For example, the visual design of your website's top level navigation should be obvious and readily understood in its appearance and function. Across the web, users expect some combination of a HomeLink or logo, and important text links, when identifying the global navigation of a site. On mobile, users expect the HomeLink or logo likely paired with an expandable menu. Keyboard only, or screen reader users, rely on the underlying semantics of a navigation region to be easy to find with full support to interact with links and buttons. This combination of semantics, layout, visual styling, and interaction, all come together to reinforce established patterns that users depend on. Question, whether it's worth the risk to deviate from these patterns just to have a flashy or experimental navigation that…
