From the course: Conflict Resolution For Beginners

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Listening for content

Listening for content

- Has this ever happened to you? You're listening to someone who has a conflict. After listening for a while, you offer some advice and they say, "You just don't understand." You try listening again and still get the same response. You start to wonder, is it me or is it them? You assure sure yourself, "No, (chuckles) it can't be you. "You're a great listener," but are you? In this lesson, I'll teach you three things that get in the way of listening for content and how you can stop yourself when you're doing them. Three of the most common things to do when you're listening to someone are to make assumptions, judge and tune out. Let's talk about assumptions first. When someone is talking, it's very easy to listen and then start connecting what they are experiencing to something you already experienced. From there, it is a quick leap to assuming that, not only do you know what they are thinking and feeling, but that you…
