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sorry if my rating seems harsh but i dont think the choice of engine benefited you guys.

making the player choose the windowsize by console without atleast a standard setting is very playerunfriendly and already frustrating (plus not everyone will get what all the settings mean).

the idea for the theme is good, especially in a platformer it would make you think through your moves first before taking action, increasing risks.

but the execution has problems. the jumping doesnt feel good and having to hug trees to jump over them feels weird.

the ghosts come in way too quickly. the player has no time to adjust and already he sees the first ghost coming towards him. you should give him complete safety atleast until he makes his first moves in the game so the player has time to adjust to the ui and where the player stands and what pixels will be trees, stone etc.

the attack either needed a sound or animation or sprite flashing confirmation, just something. the first time i loaded the game it seemed to me that nothing happens, only after i read your tutorial again to make sure its right mouse button click and spamming attack was i able to kill a ghost.

the underling concept is definitly worth exploring, and maybe try another engine next time.

Thanks so much for such great feed back.

I feel the points on settings and user feed back when performing actions are particularly valid and i did even try making the ghosts flash when hit shortly before the end of the jam however had to cut the feature due to ghosts stopping showing up entirely.

Also i feel like using an engine with better graphical options and ui element customisation which could enable us to have implemented a better Settings menu rather than just the lazy command line input on start up.

Thanks again for your review and i will remember to check out your game when i next find a spare minute.