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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really neat action game, the visual presentation is already nice, only thing maybe would be add destroyed machine particles into the mix for maximum carnage feeling? And some mild screen-shake when the player gets hit for more umpf.

Sound design is also fine overall, maybe add a slight random pitch-shift to the player shoot-sound so it is not the same sound constantly.

The main problem i have is the longevity of fun. The first 3 levels were neat figuring out controls etc and trying out a few powerups, but after that every level felt similar. The best strategy is to circle the enemies and keep shooting. Yeah i can try to aim for core turrets to kill the whole thing faster, but the added risk is mostly not worth the gain.

I am not sure myself how to change that. Maybe change the base shooting patterns to allow dodging on the spot and skillfully aim for core turret?

Also maybe instead of a power-up system have a permanent upgrade-shop that player buy stuff either for each run or inbetween levels. That would give me more of a progression feeling.

Or go the full rougelike route with procedural levels and randomized bonuses after each level and really crazy shooting synergies XD

Ohh and i was able to use my controller for movement, but nothing else in the game. Either disable the controller completely or add full controller support, was a bit confusing for the first few seconds ^^

i like the general visuals and the sound effects. If the music is not selfmade it could use with a bit longer loop.

the most important thing for any platformer is the jump and generally it feels better if the player can change the

jumpheight depending on how long he's pressing the button. That would be the most important adjustment.

Other than that maybe make it clearer that falling off the platform doesn't remove lives? First i thought it was bugged until i reached the spikes level.

Alright, really intersting concept, thouhg i am a bit unclear what you are trying to do.

As far as i understand the rules, i get 0 amount of moves i am allowed to move until i have to change my move-direction. But i understand it that i am allowed to move into any direction i want, as long as i follow the 0-amounts and end up in the green hole. That would actually allow me to solve puzzles.

But eg. on level 10 i noticed that when going left as your first move it insta-looses you and resets the level. If your goal was simply using the 0-markers as hint's how the correct path looks, i don't think that is a good direction, cause then i might as well just try out every option until i got the solution, it kills the joy of discovering a solution that just might be something only i have come up with (even if it is not). Also designing levels with more than one solution would be neat too.

A few smaller things are:

Its choosen, not choosed. I know not everyone is a native english speaker, but the internet has so many grammer-correction-sites for free, that those type of mistakes just make a bad impression for any new player (and at worst makes them not understand your rules)

Because i can control the whole game with only the left hand, it is really akward that i have to use the mouse to control the menu, just make enter go into the next level, that way i can relax and groove out to your puzzles all one-handed style XD

The timer-levels are more a personal thing, if you like them keep them. But personally puzzle games are something to relax and enjoy at my own time not get pressured to do things fast. Thats what actiongames are for.

I know its a big block of text, but i only wrote it so detailed because i think this game has a really neat underlying core to it. You just have to polish it a bit more to find where the game wants to be taken.

Extremly good atmosphere in this game, the sounddesign is on spot and the talk-sound is also a really nice touch with humor sprinkled in.^^

The visuals are all also fitting, even when kept simple.

The animals are amazing XD I really dig the humor and Bennett is just hella cute ^^

The movement felt a bit floaty though, especially noticable on the jumping trials. A little bit of friction from the ground, especially after jumping could help anchor the player more into the world i think. And a sprint button would be nice ^^

Ohh and please ask on escape-button-press if i actually want to quit the game. I accidentally quit the game 2 times and had to restart both time from all the beginning T.T

And the trial-and-error puzzle is just not a good idea. The bunny is cute and i got his help for the puzzle, but it is just booring even with, or rather because of the help. Cause now i have to reinput all the already known buttons every time i try one of the corner stones, over and over and over. It is repetitive and there is no actual puzzle to solve. It just shouldn't be in it. Make it rather a simon-says-type puzzle or something along those lines.

interesting concept. and the j key was funny ^^

Biggest feedback would be to start out in free-move-camera instead of your standard camera. It was a bit akward to push buttons and nothing happens and it takes a while to find the camera-switch-buttons.

yeah, the next task will be to show like a exclamation mark if a already placed plant will get killed, coudln't get to that.

Either that or stop already placed plants to be killed and just make new plant not grow. Will need to play around.

But thank you a lot for playing and commenting ^^

Garden Builder lets you design your dream garden. It focuses on realistic interactions between plants and their enviornment. This allows for life-like planning of your arrangements.

Right now the game is in its earlies stages and the only interaction between plants is the amount of sun/shadow a plant receives.

i'm glad you liked the idea ^^

yeah i like the menu idea, give the player a lot more freedom to restart instead of having to play through a whole round.

and thanks for telling me about that bug. i was new to how godot handles popup windows and didnt know that the x has another handle than the ok button. i'll fix that if i get to doing a post-jam version of this game ^^

yup pretty neat puzzler, though i cant shake the feeling that this concept was done in one of the last jams already. could just be a deja vu moment doe.

movement is nice and snappy and you use the constraint pretty interestingly in puzzles, though for me personally the difficulty wasnt really ramping up enough.

though i also dont care for secrets so that whole part of the game didnt grab me (not that its bad just that it wasnt for me)

i really liked this one. the math hook is really a really nice take and the overall presentation is also top notch.

the only gripe i have is the walk speed. this is basically a puzzle game, so most of the time you will try to figure out the solution beforehand and then execute your solution, but the slow walkspeed makes that execution very boring. either make the normal speed a lot faster or add a sprint function when you press the mousebutton, then i thinks this would be really fun to play (and train a bit of math XD)

sorry if my rating seems harsh but i dont think the choice of engine benefited you guys.

making the player choose the windowsize by console without atleast a standard setting is very playerunfriendly and already frustrating (plus not everyone will get what all the settings mean).

the idea for the theme is good, especially in a platformer it would make you think through your moves first before taking action, increasing risks.

but the execution has problems. the jumping doesnt feel good and having to hug trees to jump over them feels weird.

the ghosts come in way too quickly. the player has no time to adjust and already he sees the first ghost coming towards him. you should give him complete safety atleast until he makes his first moves in the game so the player has time to adjust to the ui and where the player stands and what pixels will be trees, stone etc.

the attack either needed a sound or animation or sprite flashing confirmation, just something. the first time i loaded the game it seemed to me that nothing happens, only after i read your tutorial again to make sure its right mouse button click and spamming attack was i able to kill a ghost.

the underling concept is definitly worth exploring, and maybe try another engine next time.

thanks for playing and i'm glad the mac version works XD

it could be still a bug, but i also noticed while playtesting that the transition to the gameover screen is really sudden. probably some animations like showing all fields are blocked at the end could clear up confusions. something to add later >.>

thanks for reminding me to also make macOS versions of my game. if you wanna check it out again i added macOS and linux versions. though i wasnt able to test any so they might not work correctly XP

indeed a really nice game, good jump mechanics, the animation jucyness is just enough for this type of game and the timestop ability is keep fresh and interesting with the addition of these

extra blocks in the game. though the last 2-3 levels seemed a little bit rushed i think.

i think if you maybe doubled the length and polished the levels a little bit more you could definitly sell this game outright.

i personally dont think its any use to sell 20hour+ games when 80% of players wont play longer than 2hours anyways so small and short games are right up my alley ^^