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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very neat, just needs bit more clarity in how everything works and would not mind playing even longer. Sometimes felt too easy and random for rabbit to spawn next to your starting castle for easy win

Amazing concept and execution, just a few gameplay hitches like the notes being very "physical" and having to be violently pulled off haha! Not sure how much more complexity you could pull out of it were it to become a real game, but for a game jam game this is superb apart the minor usability issues

Oh damn, hold to paint is such an obvious thing, can't believe I didn't think of it! Especially since in testing I so many times just furiously clicked to fill it as fast as possible to check everything works ;D A way to replay the dialogue/gather the short gist of it would have made sense too, we thought of it but didn't have time

Neat idea, needs more visual feedback especially when hitting the enemies though! Also the game lands on a pretty repetitive pattern easily, one more mechanic of some kind would help. The screen being confined feels like it limits the speed aspect a lot too, maybe a bit larger playing field could serve the idea even better? The theming is very fun 

Works very well for a jam game. Design wise it would really need enemies that have to be defeated using different strategies though, I quickly found out there was no reason to not keep using the first scaled up water spell since it was easily most effective option against everything all the time since the enemies behave the same way. Maybe separate mana resources for the different elements would help too? So you would be more forced to use the other options as well!

A bit janky to control, but cool ideas. For a game jam game, this one felt a bit punishing if you failed to use a bean correctly and then had to start the whole level to get to try to figure it out again, with a lot of platforming in-between. Maybe less generic platforming, more beans action would have made a bit tighter package? Also, visuals are fun and work well 

Comments like this make all the effort so worth it. Glad to hear you had fun! 

Funnily enough this is not my type of game at all either, yet it was the best idea I got for this theme. It is very much the type of game my girlfriend I made it with likes though, but somehow the idea came from me haha

Thank you so much for playing :) I'm sure Kevin must be very happy with your design!

The idea behind this one is super intriguing, but it definitely needs much more user feedback to understand what exactly is going on. It just looks like things pop all over the place randomly for a while and then it ends, it should definitely more visually show what is going on with the attacking, defending, growth and so on. Very ambitious to try for a game jam game though so not surprised if you just ran out of time for such improvements. Also, not sure how exactly it worked, but the musical notes being played on changes was really cool addition too!

Very well working, polished gameplay loop here and a great, cute style too. At some times in earlier levels felt like it could go bit faster, just had to wait for enemies to spawn for a bit. With some more gameplay elements added as difficulty increases it could become even better. 

Hm, tried to play on both brave and chrome, but the game kept freezing entire browser when trying to start, couldn't get through even with multiple tries (didn't even get past the unity loading screen)

Definitely interesting to see a game with just one button input. Feels like it just needs some one more thing to make the action feel more engaging, now it's kind of automatic what to do and when. I liked the climax at the end when it gets big enough to collect stuff automatically and rapidly grows at the end, it felt very satisfying. 

Great concept, but indeed leaves you wanting for more when it ends! One simple improvement would be to have space/enter/something else function as the click to go to the next level, it feels very unnecessary to have to take off your hands from the keyboard for just that one action with the mouse

Deceptively simple at first, but got more in-depth pretty quick right after. Some more feedback on actions like using the chain item would be good, something that really shows you you are in fact targeting the objects now.  Maybe also even more juicing on the scaling of objects? Since inherently that is not a very "fun" action to do on its own, the sound for scaling was fitting but could have something more still. 

Other than the chain, the clarity was pretty good though, easy to understand the goal and what to do, new mechanics as they appeared and so on

Yeah exactly like that, but many of the scales have multiple tags so it's not too hard to guess right, so it can feel a bit weird at times!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, we were struggling a bit to make the "grading" system work comprehensively so that intuitive combinations would always work. Would need more time than a game jam allows to land on something that works more reliably I suppose

Very cohesive and cool, maybe my favorite from the ones I tested so far. Kind of baba is you vibes but more nicely lightweight. Some improvement ideas:

  • Would have been nice to see where player spawn is without starting the game first
  • Restarting/starting with middle mouse/clicking something would be great since then the entire setup phase could work with just mouse instead of having to reach for keyboard
  • There was no coyote time in jumping I'm pretty sure, would make it feel more polished 

Overall great potential here, would love to see more!

This was one hilarious  little game, love the aesthetic feeling so randomly put together with the duck and all, and the medieval music. But it just works great x) 

You certainly nailed some kind of very intriguing mood here. Just wished there was tiny bit more gameplay/payoff for all the walking around, but I did feel interested all the way to the end either way. 

Very fun idea and vibes, but it felt weird how the action always stopped after just one dish. It would definitely get more fun if you had time limit and had to do multiple in that time working together with the funny controls! We also didn't get past the second level since there wasn't any indication where exactly the ingredients were supposed to go, bit confusing. Sounds were hilarious

Fun to see another entry that took the exact same approach to the theme, down to the same name exactly! Very different gameplay though :)

This is a very cleanly executed little game, feels very polished. Would have liked to have bit more control over the characters, since they often end up taking suboptimal routes against your wishes. The shop was also bit difficult to use since it was hiding behind another window, and for the time I played I didn't feel like I needed the items either. Maybe if they were in a small inventory always visible in game view with simple dragging to use they would be nicer to use? 

Well done overall

You can hold alt like TTS for a little bit bigger image, with any bigger zoom levels the cards started looking blurry so it's not a great difference but helps a bit

Update coming fairly soon after one more patch of changes appears in the testing side, most likely (depends  a bit on creators schedules)

We actually have no idea what the Minish Cap is haha x) Got to look it up! Glad to hear you liked our game idea either way

Super creative and fun idea, well done! However the controlling aspect would have been much smoother with just dragging blocks around rather than awkwardly having to move the character around to pick them up first. Which was also thematically bit confusing since the character was the same as the actual player. Big props for so much voice acting, rarely see that in jam games.

Solid and well done, great atmosphere too. Maybe would have been nice to be able to look at level in peace before it begins, like first move from player activates snake. 

Cool idea and execution, just felt like the thief didn't really try to accomplish anything but just ran around. Was also maybe bit too hard to catch them after spotting, due to the constrained walls/speed of characters.

Could become really nice with more features and length, well done! 

Very fun indeed :D Took a while to understand the remaining knife is dangerous, somehow it felt like it was still in the air rather than on the board, maybe something can be done to improve that visualization. Also sometimes the object drops from the cursor for some reason. 

Really cool way to use the theme! Could become quite interesting with more gameplay mechanics, and more visual feedback of what exactly is happening and why. 

Charming and funny little game. Would have wished that something you did as the plant affected what happens with the snail part though, now it kind of felt like just 2 separate small games that are not really connected to each other. The walking seed was fantastic!

Neat and fun way to use the theme :) Maybe not everything should need a hold for the input to trigger, makes it feel more clumsy to control. Also since every need starts full it feels bit overwhelming at the start since there is no clear objective what to do. Would be  better if randomly some needs were lower right at the start so player knows what to prioritise first. 

Pretty good foundation, just needs more polish/sounds etc. Also it really threw me off that the HP was on the left and damage on the right. Every single big card game in existence does it damage on the left and HP on the right, no reason really to not follow that norm.

Nice concept and clean execution, loved the intuitive tutorialization too. All around feels very good to play! 

Thanks for your thoughs! The fullscreen button is in the main menu, maybe we should have also added itch ios own fullscreen button though

Not much to add what others have said, top notch presentation and funny, but gets bit repetitive/slow at the end. And even with 5 "perfect" successes, it still fails to defeat the warlock. For the gamejam game experience maybe 4 normal successes would have felt worthy of getting an ending, and all perfect for some extra good "true" ending? 

Cute presentation and fun idea, but the movement mechanic really didn't do it for me. Felt like I didn't have enough control to enjoy the experience to its fullest.

Funny, polished and cleanly executed idea. Would have wished for maybe one more attack and didn't really understand what the right mouse button "traps" did. Perhaps also skip the intro for retries? Super fun though! :)