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A member registered Jul 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Are you playing it on desktop or mobile? I have tested both and they are working for me. If you are playing on desktop, please check the keys: w a s d for directions, z and x are for confirm and cancel. Please let me know if you still face problems and thank you for playing!

I just ported my first quantum game QPong to PICO-8 to celebrate Game Boy’s 30th anniversary in Europe. Check it out! 

Can’t wait to see what you guys will create this weekend!

Five stars! Best game I have ever played in my life!!!

I love the Matrix background! Would love to know how to do that. The idea is great. It will be a great game to teach people about quantum error correction. 

Thank you! Lidia did an amazing job for the music. This is the first jam I feel that I made a “complete” game. 

Our jam is  just 12 hours away! If you haven’t join #qiskit-games channel, please do so now! 

Our official communication channel is #qiskit-games on Qiskit Slack workspace. Join Qiskit Slack workspace here and search for #qiskit-games channel.

Very nice little game! Good job.

I found a similar solution for blinking but the slow fade is cool! I am going to implement that. Thank you so much for the answer!

How do you make paragraphs to show one by one? And how do you make the links to blink? These two effects make the game much more engaging. Is it possible to show me the code for these effects? I want to use that in my game as well! 

Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions ! I will really love to polish it up when I get time. I will let you know for future updates 😜

I tried the development version. It doesn't do much to old version files. I think it's worth a try. You can always back it up first and try.

Thanks! The end effect is very buggy. It’s supposed to stop after one second or so, but I only added that like 20 min before the jam finishes so no time to fix it XD

Thanks a lot for playing. I plan expand th game after the jam. Please stay tuned haha :)

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Thanks for the comment! I didn’t write the code from scratch. Most of the codes are from two other PICO-8 games. But i am also surprised that this game receive much more positive feedbacks than my previous jam entry which took me 9 days...

Thanks for you playing! I have to agree the enemy patten and shooting pattern is not ideal. I barely had time to get the game working :( Hopeful I will have time to polish the game after the rating period finishes.

Sorry, I don’t mean that I couldn’t getting running. What I meant is that I couldn’t understand the aim of the game...

I never played a roguelike game before, but this is certainly a very nice game! I didn’t get the shifting part in this game because I lost the other character very early in the game. 

The mechanic is great and simple to understand. Great job!

The mechanic is great and simple to understand. Great job!

From other people’s comment, I could guess this game is very good. But I could get how it works and what to do. The graphics and music are very polished. Just hope that the instructions are more clear.

From other people’s comment, I could guess this game is very good. But I could get how it works and what to do. The graphics and music are very polished. Just hope that the instructions are more clear.

The story telling is amazing. The sprites and transitions are very nice as well. The mechanism is interesting but I feel it’s a bit weird that you can transform right in front of the person and doesn’t surprise him/her. But I understand it’s difficult to do differently in GBStudio.

The story telling is amazing. The sprites and transitions are very nice as well. The mechanism is interesting but I feel it’s a bit weird that you can transform right in front of the person and doesn’t surprise him/her. But I understand it’s difficult to do differently in GBStudio.

Oh no! Did you ask more people for help on discord? Did you save previous version or use any version control software like git? Let me know if I can help.

Oh, now I get it! I will play again. I think you should definitely polish the game a little bit for release, at least for the bbs :)

Congrats on finishing the game! The mechanism of this game is really interesting. I was a bit confused in the beginning but slowly got the hang of it. The puzzles are quite difficult; I am stuck at level 8.  

By the way, thanks for playing and rating my game! The jam organizer has a strange setting of not showing the comment to the participants. I saw your comment only when I use private mode of the browser.

Congrats on finishing the game! The mechanism of this game is really interesting. I was a bit confused in the beginning but slowly got the hang of it. The puzzles are quite difficult; I am stuck at level 8.  

By the way, thanks for playing and rating my game! The jam organizer has a strange setting of not showing the comment to the participants. I saw your comment only when I use private mode of the browser.

PICO-8的游戏可以直接放在itch网页上玩。这样评分的人会多很多。Export的时候要打“export index.html”,不然运行不了。

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, that is the biggest drawback in my game. I will update the game once the jam is finished. I will play your game tonight!

Very nice graphics! I love the many choices of palettes. The battle system is also well implemented. I think if you can make a nice intro to the game, it will be much better.

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Makes perfect sense!!! You are such a good story teller! I really need to learn that. My game totally lacks story. Partly because I ran out of time. But even if I had enough time, I don’t think I could have made a story as engaging as yours. 

Great story telling! I wish more people play your game. It’s a shame that you only have 6 ratings so far... 

I love the transition from title to opening scene and the same from ending back to the title. 

I am curious about what’s in the other room. Is there really something? 

I always get lost even in real life and this game is an absolutely nightmare to me!!! I have no idea where I am. Have I been here? Have I not??? It can’t even tell whether the rooms are randomly changing or just not going back the room where you went in. In case I didn’t make it clear, these are all compliments :) I really like the idea!

I played the game twice, and I found two different gems. (by chance!)The remaining puzzle seems to have bug. It is not trigger even when I push the diamond to the circle. 

I love the dialogue at the beginning as well. It’s well written and it gives a good background story. This is the part I need to improve the most in my game.

I also used GB Studio and it’s a pain in the ass to use. But I am happy that I made an actual gameboy game! Perfect for GB 30th anniversary.

I love the sprites! I also made a game using GB Studio and I spent a lot of time making the sprites so I understand it’s not easy to make them look so clean and coherent. I love the references to Pokemon. “I am not professor Oak” haha. I also love that you put a ghost saying “the developer hasn’t made this area”. I have so much to learn from your game!

I am stuck in the room with a star. I searched around and talked to all torches but nothing happened. What is the ending?

Please finishing making all the rooms, I’d love to play it!

I am making a game in Unity but I don’t love it. It’s trying to put everything in one package. Too bulky and slow to run. Full of features that I don’t need and will never touch. I will definitely try Godot soon. Have you ever tried Game Maker Studio? I heard a lot of good words about it as well.

Congrats on finishing your first game jam! The story is very engaging and the pixel arts are beautiful. If I can do the narrative half as good as you, my game would be much much better. I love GB Studio HTML5 build. I can play on my phone. Most other browser playable games are not playable on the phone