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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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hehe, cute :3c

like FR man, its bs, atleast I know how shit works when it comes to games :3c

Take it at your own pace. Rushing things never work out, and if you have a good community, they’ll understand. :3

Exactly, people need to learn to be patient… and you know what? If they decided to cancel the project, they can. And if the fanbase keeps it up with harrassment… that very well could happen.

I don’t wanna see the time they put into their story be tossed into the flowing river, they clearly put a lot of effort into their work… and I would hate to see it happen if they decided it wasn’t worth it, BECAUSE OF ZED FANBASE.

So to anybody else reading this comment, listen to me & stop being a crybaby, be patient and stop acting like a toddler who doesn’t get their way, you aren’t helping the project and only causing stress to the person making it.. and if it gets too bad, I can see Echo Project canceling it for their health.

And to those that are completely mature adults and aren’t harrassing Echo Project, give them your best wishes to their future work & to the people who are stressed by the entire situation.

Remember, Stress. Can. Kill.


REVIEW: The story is amazing so far, for what is the current build… this needs more credit than it’s given. I.. also felt more immersed at the fact that it had my name as the MCs, and did some actions I would have in situations. But I’m sure that was a coincidence. I’m putting this above Adastra in my opinion, those that come after me for zed opinion… Get a life. I give this a 10/10 for what is done..


A Message for people who are impatient: Please.. be patient when it comes to projects like this, these things take a lot of time to develop, get the art for the BG’s & characters, and not even including the story itself..

I’m more than certain that it stresses out P.B.P when he keeps seeing people asking for an update or assume the project is done & canned. So.. please.. be patient. I understand that you want the update because.. whether it be.. you lose interest, or you just assume the project is canned.

(not saying all of you are.. I just don’t want people to end up leaving and then THIS DOES GET CANNED.)

And one last thing for P.B.P…

Don’t take my review as expectations to live up too, write the story that you are wanting to tell, it doesn’t matter if it drops in quality halfway. The story will still have our interest regardless.

~Speedy :3

you guys should probably switch to godot, fuckin unity gonna be a shitpile for devs

Oh, dont worry, i also procrastinate!

(2 edits)

**I am going to give some advice on storytelling & give some advice for things that could be improved… But before I do, I just wanna say..

Do what you need to do, your health is your highest priority & you shouldn’t delay anything to do with it because of that.** (don’t delay your health, both physical & mental I mean… and trust me, & know where you are coming from.. I’m sitting here working on a RPG Maker game & I’m barely working on it due to burnout. x3c)

Anyway, now that I got that out of the way.. Here is my advice & some stuff that could be improved & the ideas that stick. (Bear in mind that I’m not a professional writer or am I going to do anything to make you feel bad. These are just my opinions and my advice based on what I’ve learned. Keep Writing & Keep Improving.)

1. I feel like the protag trusts Ritch a bit too easily.. There needs to be some moment where they learn to trust them. Just like in Far Beyond the World. After-all, if you saw a Anthro standing before you, you would freak out and it would take a bit of time for you to get comfortable near them… This is will help get people more immersed in the world you are building.

(yeah yeah, I know using another VN is a bit rude. But I’m not comparing them or trying to say “haha, this game is better, give up”. I’m using that game as an example, and I really want you to go for whatever you want to achieve in life.)

2. The idea of getting stranded on a island works, it leads to questions, which is good for people to get more invested. Leading to theories & blah blah blah.

3. The second I heard the meme music, I instantly started laughed & the immersion died. My tip is, avoid music as much as you can. use ambient sounds instead unless you can find/commission a song that matches the theme.

**4. I feel like you should keep the character number low to begin with, ‘cause adding a lot can make it so you don’t wanna work. Slowly add up the characters overtime & don’t rush yourself on your projects, if you need a break take one.

Projects take a long time, & sometimes can be stressful, boring cause the spark vanished, etc. But, take breaks. Do something else than work every now & again so you aren’t burning yourself out so fast.** (trust me, i once wrote 14 stories in the span of a week)

**If anybody has any advice, comment it here. & with that I wish you well on your future projects & in life <3 **

(Yes im willing to help if you need it, i dont have anything better to do anyway, + its less work on your shoulders, haha ((Free of charge of course x3c))) ~SpeedySnack

Which is a DIRECT sequel to Adastra?


damn it... please make a sequel, im crying