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A member registered Apr 16, 2024 · View creator page →

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That sounds really cool!

Protect those mitochondrias x) and everything else that exists in a cell :p

Nice interpretation of the theme. The movement felt random, though I liked how you can change the gravity multiplier, and add a force to control the movement. A bit hard to master as has been mentioned, very litte room for learning the game. When you don't give the players enough rewards (AKA they keep failing on level two) - They will quit. So make the first levels easier -level design wise, and then scale it :)

I liked the way you could scale up and down and grant differen"powers", and it makes sense since you're a pufferfish, clever and well done.

The mechanics themselves could be more polished, the controller felt a bit awkward when flying, and the game design itself made it pointless to "puffer up" as I won without ever enlarging. (several ways to fix that, and you are almost on the money in the beginning, the answer is more boxes that the small fish can't get through) and just generally, the level designing was poor and needs more attention. 

The music and general audio-feedback was good, made it feel more like a game. Well done for submitting! :)

The controls are unsatisfying, I spent all points in mobility but that didn't seem to help at all which made that upgrade seem useless and unrewarding. The concept is cool by defending your cells, though as has been mentioned it's way too difficult. The fighting didn't feel that great, but that was probably due to controllers being hard to maneuver

A creative way of scaling, but I would like to see even more scaling elements. What if for each X-amount of time, the clowns will get bigger? What if you could also scale your player to fit certain areas etc. (If this is already a thing I'm sorry, I played 3-5 levels and decided it became a bit repetitive)

The concept is cool, and I did enjoy the levels I played, but there's some lack of extra crisp.

As has been pointed out, the lines are too short, doesn't feel like I can do anything. It's very tedious to click/hover on each and every planet to see production/demand -Create icons for demands/production and have them visible at all times. That would make the game way less tedious to play, and much more smooth! 

I relly love the concept here, I will definetly play this if it gets polished more :)

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Simple, but ok concept :) -good job for submitting! :)

I would love to see some audio-feedback from pressing buttons -Maybe even the heavier ones could have a subtle hint that they are heavy through audio?

The visuals could also be improved, there are alot of free assets on the internet if you know where to look (unity asset store has alot of free assets)

To make the placement of squares more interesting, you could add a drag/drop mechanic to make it feel more like a game :)

I love the creativity! swap out the jump with scaling, brilliant! 

The only thing I'm missing here is music! Well Done.

Nice. I made the fish eat the world!

The game was fairly simple, though I enjoyed strategizing the placements.

I think the game has potential, it was lacking some extra juice: What if placing certain people next to other certain people would trigger some action? for instance fish next to robed people would cause the fish to eat the robed people (just a random wild idea).

Point is, there could be more interesting mechanics to juice it up a bit.

Style was also great, and the music was good. Well done.

A decent cod-zombie like game. Try to add your own twist, else it becomes a poor version of "cod zombie mode". The first things I can think of is more interesting weapons, different enemy than a zombie, power ups that player can pick up etc.

The style is very fitting for the game(well done). But I struggled to see where "built to scale" comes in?

Besides that, well done! I love when I instantly know when to do, and it was easy to know here :)

First thing this game needs, is a "how to play" -There's a lot of information lacking when starting. When I spawned in I had to ideas what to do. There was tutorial texts but couldn't read any of it, try changing color to something else and make them last longer. 

I understand there's a video tutorial and description on how to play on your itch-page, but ask yourself this question: "If I need my players to read additional stuff outside the game, in order to understand my game, is it a good game design?". -My personal answer is no :p.

Besides the functionality, I really like the player movement, feels nice and well polished! I think that's the basis of a good platformer. The concept is also cool, with more polish this could be great! Well done.

(3 edits)

Maybe not give players the option to get a building you've already placed? I found that annoying as well now as you mentioned it.. Why would fountain come up twice if  I can't do anything about it :P

Haven't you designed the game so you have to play the bad cards? I thought the point of the game was to keep a balance between good and evil, (aka too much point on either side will result in a loss) - Sounds like I misunderstood

Edit: In your description it says "...maintain a balance between good and evil.." The way  I depict that is, if you have too many points on either side, you will lose.

I struggled knowing exactly how the game mechanics worked, and the cards would often not go back down. I also sometimes could not place a card even though I met all criteria, so idk what happened there.

The game design itself coudl be improved, there's a lack of feedback from doing actions. The objective could be clearer (I did find the small button on the right corner a bit vague) -I'm sure there's a way to implement the objective in a more fun way :) -> (goal is to build [school]) -> and so on.

Also the "evil" cards, in my opinion, should not give anything. Giving me 30 coins for skipping school did not feel evil, I felt more rewarded. So the cards needs more balancing in my opinion :)

Except for that the style is great, and a fun and creative take on the theme! 

Interesting puzzle game! I did like the mechanics, however I think maybe 15 levels are a bit too much for game jams? -that's me personally though. It was a good game even though I didn't play more than 5 levels.

The only thing I'm afraid of is if I missed out on mechanics due to there being so many levels. I will be honest and say, the mechanics were well made, but I can only play so many puzzle levels for a day (not my favourite type genre)

(1 edit)

I will be as constructive as possible.

1. The signs are not readable due to them being too pixelated.

2. The signs tell what to do, not how to do it. You need both of them.

For the jam though I would create a simple UI with the objective clearly, if you absolutely want it in-world, then make it more readable and have better explanations. Basically make it fool-proof. There's a really great game here called recursive rescale (highly recommend you to try that one out if you haven't already) -where they very clearly show what to do, and how to do it.

Well done! The game felt almost addictive given it's simplicity. I'm misisng something more crispy though, I think you could've polished the visuals more (though having it black/white surely is a time-save!) Or more interesting mechanics? Perhaps different power-ups that randomly drops? like a 2X bonus, something that increases your time while being the razor etc. Just something to juice it up more. 

The game was very unforgiving. Rocketship would often be the first or second thing to spawn in with a tiny collider making the learning curve for this game too steep. Make the early-game easier and have it scale! 

Concept is nice and the style is great though! 

Objective was unclear, what was I supposed to do? Nice work on showing the controllers, wish you did the same for the objective though! ;)

The pixelated style made my brain hurt, maybe there's some way of tuning this down?

This is a gem! I just finished the game and appreciated what it gave me! Also found something I'm not supposed to tell anyone about :p

Absolutely the best concept out here, I will be surprised if I don't see this game in top 20!

Loved how you basically made your own parkour course. And the tiny/ level inside the tiny level did not go unnoticed!

I hope you will keep working on it, as it does lack some polish here and there (music, effects etc) And the indicator for interacting (highlighting the cursos)  was quite vague and I get how other players missed it (which is a shame since I think that might unfortunately drag this masterpiece down on ratings :/)

I hope I see this in top 20! Very well done!

Good art-style. Polished mechanics, music was fitting so were the sound effects.

One note, when you become tiny, my brain suffer damage when looking at he walking animation (perhaps this is why you have the warning to begin with?) -that being said, that animation would be the first thing to get rid of if you were to keep working on it :P

Overall it was a good game :) I liked how being large allowed me to tank everything :p

Nice concept, and scaling up your army was fun. I think given more time this game would be more enjoyable, as has been mentioned, power-ups would definetly be a fun mechanic here! Would be interesting to see how this game would be if you had time for 96 hours :)

Given how much time you spent on it, then I think it's a good game! well done

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Thank you for explaining the controls! I took over the map lol:P Instantly became more enjoyable

I tried to add an image of me having the largest bishop lol, OP when he took out a third of enemy-pieces :P Well done!

Though I must agree with another comment here, "chess can't be improved" -and I want to rail back to my comment about creating your own type of board-game with scaling mechanics :) That would boost both creativity, style and most likely enjoyment! 

Interesting take on the theme :)

Though the game was simplistic it was enjoying to some degree. 

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Interesting concept! Here's some feedback:

When I first started I had 0 ideas what to do. I had to read the page in order to know what exactly the goal was, try to have this in-game next time :)

Then the mechanic itself by throwing rocks, should be more polished. It didn't really feel that good because:

 It was difficult to pick up the rocks as the hand would collide into the wall.

Because the hands collided with the wall, any rocks that dropped from within becomes impossible to pick up.

What I'm trying to say here, remove the hand's collider :P

This has to be the most creative game for this jam! Well done!

While I did enjoy the game-play, I'm not gonna lie, having to drag the windows was tedious. Very good concept, but it made the gameplay exhausting. Also: Imagine this game style for horror games. 

This game SHOULD win creativity though, in my opinion. Well done!

Unfortunately we didn't have time to implement a UI for when mother-mushroom health-bar :/

We tried to create a sound-cue for when ants are spawning, so I'm assuming a lot of people don't realize a new wave of ants have spawned and they kill the mother-mushroom.

This is some of the apsects we will fix when we further develop it :D

Thanks for playing and thanks for your feedback :)

The camera controller sucks! (I'm allowed to say that since I made it xD)

It will be the first thing I fix when we continue working on it! We have great plans for this game :P

Thanks for your feedback! appreciate that you like our idea :D

interesting! Do you control a character, who controls the train?

I loved how you can use the environment to progress! Pressing the boxes to grow/shrink is one thing, but then also using that mechanic to launch yourself or other pushable boxes was a smart move! It does lack some visual elements though.

Great level-designing and the levels are short, and the game is relatively short -perfect for a game jam.

There's not much to say about the existing mechanics, they are well made and polished, and it fits the theme. (only lacking the "built"-part) ->idea for that would be, you need to place/build the boxes you can grow and shrink, though that would lead to more difficult puzzles.

Summarize: Good and polished mechanics, a bit simplistic but effective use of existing mechanics. A typical side-scroller puzzler (lacks creativity) and there's very few interesting visuals. 

You should be proud though! There's only so-so many things you can accomplish alone with this time-limit, and you have certainly accomplished alot! congrats :)

You can't predict what players will do, unless you guide them towards it, it's a nice idea to let players figure out things for themselves but: one thing that might be natural/obvious to you will not be the case for all. That is why I think the game would be better if you had indicators that you can push certain objects, etc. Even if it's just an outliner/highlighter -could be very subtle

A little bit hand-holding can be good, just don't hold their hands all the way through ;) 

Then it's a shame scaling didn't work for me :P I think I would have enjoyed playing it properly! 

idk how the scaling works now, but whenever you have a piece selected, you could get a UI interface for controls? I.E how to scale them (and if it does already then I missed that part) 

Movement is too fast, making it too easy to overshoot. There's no indication what to do, you have to kind of guess around, nor is there any visual indication if you can jump on certain platforms or not.

The music is nice and chill, and the levels are interesting, just wish you would add some indicators (points of interest) -> like adding a particle effect next to the object which you pushes to stop the water.

It's a decent game given the time-limit, so good job on making it! :D

The game is a bit lenghty in my taste, shorten it by at least 500ft and I think you are on the money with what you have. Besides that it fine, a bit too punishing when ladders spawns inside big clouds and you can't see them before it's too late, I enjoyed many of the mechanics like the wind and alien so good work there! :)

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That's a fair point! and my thoughts were "don't be greedy now" xD so I guess it works for baiting players to take those jumps =)

That was a great game! I love how for each step you take, monsters do as well. There's not really anything to be picky on, except maybe it was a bit too many levels? I still played through them all lol, but I did so more out of fomo then enjoyment (as it did become a bit repetitive) - The end-boss saved the repeating a bit, but would like to see more mechanics like that. 

Overall: Very good game! (also smart to use black/white to save time)-and the dog at the end was much apprectiated.

Nice take on the theme! I enjoyed playing the game :D

One thing that is annoying, is that if you start by picking up all water droplets on ground, you will run out of juice and basically GameOver -> I'd have at least on source of regenerative water (like a pool that fills up slowly?) That would make the gameplay way less punishing for picking up all droplet on floor :)

Another one is, in certain areas you get too big and are forced to scale down, wasting lots of resources, which is annoying.

Besides that it was a fun game! Well done :)

As alot of people have commented - pressing E to pick up is unnecessary. The game feel would be better if it was instantly.

I don't see where the game fits the theme? You pick up fishscales .. I think it vaguely fits the theme. I think if the character you play scaled (either becoming bigger or faster, idk) - then that would add more to the theme.

The gameplay was fun but it become repetitive fairly quickly. I would create a smaller map,  with maximum 3 treasures. Also nice effects for when you don't meet the quota! :)

Super cute game! I love the style. Well done! :)

I did enjoy it, but these kind of games becomes quickly repetitive to me, so more mechanics would definetly be welcoming. Also the placement on fruits were often awkwardly placed for me, like trying to get half the fruits would end up in death for me (which seems to be bad rng for me) - but they should, in my opinion, be spawned over obstacles and not randomly placed.

Also the music was satisfying.

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Nice twist to a block-breaker game. The controls feels smooth and polished. Loved how the game goes from breaking blocks like the classical game, over to a (reach-the-goal-game, dunno the term but you know what I mean)

The only thing to be picky on is, I would like to see more variations of dangerous objcets? First thing I can think of from top of my head would be a tractor-beam. 

This is the most smooth and polished game so far, so well done.

Shame it was bugged aftere getting squid, the gameplay was enjoyful would have liked to finish it.

Considering the scope I think it would be possible and interesting to add actual threats to the game and polish it more, idk if you have music, if you do then I couldn't hear it. But yea music and sound effects would add ALOT to the game! :)

I've got another note, maybe make the map a bit smaller? Either that or speed up the fish.

Loved the style though with realistic images! just missing the music element