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A member registered Sep 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. We had to make it a bit more difficult and have zombies on all sides otherwise the player could just run in big circles around the whole course and that kind of broke the game. 

Thanks! There’s no end other than surviving as long as possible. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

This is a very nice and beautiful game. It will be cool to see this project continue. I though the controls were perfect for a platformer. As others have said I think the route could be marked a bit more clear. Good job!

Cool little game. The music make really brings this game together. The art style, music and SFX all fit together very well. Good job.

I think this is a good start and I would keep working on it as well. Keep working on this one for sure!

Very cool and super creative for the theme this year. I also really liked having the minimap to make sure I was going in the right direction. Great job on this one!!!

Nicely done! I played the .exe version. I really like the zombie animations and the fact that some had helmets to prevent headshots. 

Nice game. I do wish it was a litter easier to find ammo.

Great job. I love endless runners. I think this one scales nicely in difficulty. One small think I would have liked it to not have the same obstacle damage you more than once. For example when I missed ducking under a tree I would get damaged three times instead of just once. Overall though very well done.

Great job. I enjoyed playing this. As others have said I also would have liked stiffer controls. I really liked that I did not have to drive far looking for enemies. I also though the amount of enemies at any  given time was perfect.

Good job. I had fun with this!

Hello! Here is my team's submission. 

I will check out your game as well!

Those zombie SFX are really creepy! I would keep working on this post jam, and some more features such as player heath, ammo, and having to reload. Good job!

Cool game. I really like the atmosphere. All the assets used blend together so nicely. 

Thank you for the heads up. Did it freeze for you on the very first menu when you pressed play? Could you hear the music as soon as you saw the menu?

Thank you for playing! I glad you enjoyed it. That is by far the highest score we have seen!!!

Thank you  for playing! I believe you are correct regarding the bumper. Only the left one changes the color. We will have to add the right bumper to cycle through the colors in the opposite direction after the voting ends.

Cool game. I played the downloaded windows version. Very long and elaborate level for a game jam game.  A couple small things I noticed. After killing the purple enemies they still moved around a bit and I was not sure if they were dead or not. This was only an issue when several of them bunched up together. Also the green plants were not attacking me and I was just able to stand next to them and shoot them. Not sure if this was intended or not.

I really like how you are able to upgrade your weapons and armor. Really cool feature give the time frame for a game jam. Good job over all.

Cool demo. The tutorial was really helpful. Good job!

Very cool! Jumping over the bouncing barrels get me instant nostalgia to fighting King K Rool in Donkey Kong Country 2 lol. I really like the progression of different obstacles. It  feel very balanced. As others have said adding some SFX and music would really bring this game to the next level. Good job overall.

Really nice feel and look to this game. The aesthetics are one of the best I've seen so far this jam. My team used the same zombie assets as well. I really like how you did the attack animations by translating some of the bones. Really good job.

Really nice feel and look to this game. The aesthetics are one of the best I've seen so far this jam. My team used the same zombie assets as well. I really like how you did the attack animations by translating some of the bones. Really good job.

This one made me laugh. All of the assets your selected fit together very nicely. Good job! 

Thank you! Here is the link for my teams game

I am downloading yours now

Very cool idea and different from other submissions. I really like the number choosing mechanic and not being able to use the same letter twice. Good job

Love the doom like atmosphere. Very impressed this was done in Godot. Honestly made me rethink some things. Amazing job! 

This is cool! I really like the concept. Given more time it would be really neat to have a rope drop down to rescue the survivors. Good job.

Very Cool! I really liked the pacing. The  difficulty increases with each wave is really well done. 

Very beautiful game, and not just for a game jam. I love the aesthetics. Great job!

Nice project. I not sure if there was a way to die or not. I had fun playing

I really like this one. Its simple and fun. One small thing I would have liked is to feel more of a sense of impact when hitting the sharks. The sound effects are great but maybe a more impactful visual effect too.

I like the size changing component. I tried to rearrange the boxes in the temple to try and get on top. Thought I was stuck before moving the last box to get to the basement. Good job

Cool and simple concept. Once I got a hang of the controls it was fun. Good Job.

Thank you. We did take a lot of time to try and balance everything. Last year that was our biggest mistake so we wanted to make sure we did better this go around. I will be sure and check out your game today

Thanks for playing! Yeah the trees are a bit blocky and we just used the automatic collisions calculated by unreal for them. I will check you your game today!

Thanks for your feedback. We definitely could have fine-tuned the difficulty better and we'll be patching it soon if you want to check it out.

As for the arcade cabinets, it was really hard finding good, free arcade cabinets online that actually worked in Unreal within our time frame so that's the best we could find during the jam. I can probably tweak them a bit.

And the modem sound for an arcade machine — I'll have to come up for a lore explanation for it. ;)

Thanks! This is really helpful feedback. We'll be patching it soon to fine-tune the difficulty. The scope of the game made it hard to focus on that aspect.

Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun making the transition and Aaron did as well. We both worked on different aspects and really tried to focus on that the most because of how crucial it was. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! We'll be sure to check out your game tomorrow!

I instantly thought of FEZ once I saw this too! It has it's own visual style though for sure. Amazing job!

Loved the music and the story at the intro. The turning controls are very very sensitive though so it makes it pretty frustrating. If the controls were refined it would be super fun though.

Awesome map, had a blast with it. It seemed a bit bright. Would be cool to see at night too. Good job!