From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

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Back-office use cases

Back-office use cases

- The back-office, where you'll find HR, F and A, and supply chain processes, to name a few, is full of swivel chair integration, where employees tend to manually receive and transcribe faxes, copy form data, execute rote transactional processes, or perform repetitive tasks. This makes it the ideal part of a business for large-scale automation. Let's look at examples of digital operations in the back-office, beginning with some RPA use cases. A salient example is how RPA can be deployed for HR processes, across the entire employee hire to retire lifecycle. For instance, I've seen it used to automate salary estimation, vetting, and candidate reporting to support talent acquisition teams. Each of these tasks are usually repeated, again and again for each candidate, so automating them can save hiring managers a lot of time and frustration. There are also opportunities in payroll, where RPA can be used to perform payroll calculations, eligibility checks, and pay integration across…
