From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

Your digital ops journey

- Companies around the world are facing numerous economic and technical realities. Traditional industries are under attack, competition is becoming more dynamic, customer preferences and expectations are forever shifting and the technology landscape is becoming more central to everything a business does and how it does it. Honing in specifically on the technology landscape, it's not uncommon to find boards, C suites, and leadership teams wrangling with concepts like robotic process automation, machine learning, blockchain, deep learning, and a raft of other technical tools struggling to determine the roles they may play across every single aspect of a business. It's also not uncommon for these same C suites to be making huge declarative moonshot statements about how the use of these technologies is going to save the business millions, even billions so that they may survive in a competitive new world. And that's the environment in which you are tasked to lead. My name's Ian Barkin, I co-founded one of the world's leading digital transformation consulting firms and I spend a (mumbles) of my time helping large enterprises navigate the landscape, weed out the hype from the enterprise grade, and put together actionable plans to make real digital transformation happen. This course has been designed for the leaders of enterprises and the teams that support them. It's born from necessity, there's too much noise out there. Expectations are being set incorrectly and managing the digital enterprise requires a set of skills that are not easy to come by through traditional means. In this course, I'll do three things. First, we'll discuss the business landscape and key concepts of digital operations. Second, we'll discuss some of the tools, templates, and best practices that will help you prepare your business for the digital ops trend. And finally we'll cover a list of lessons learned and cautionary tales in the hopes that your journey will be a smooth one. Now here's my promise to you, you're busy and you don't have time for long-winded courses, you want short, sharp, concept sprints, ways to get to up to speed quickly and ways to share ideas with those who report to you and those with whom you work, so let's get going.
