From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

My discussion with a CEO

- Recently, a CEO approached me and said, Ian, I know there are lot of new technologies available today and I know that teams across my organization are experimenting with them, and while I don't want to get in the way of innovation I'm worried that we're not going about this in an organized manner, and that could mean we waste time and money, and worse yet, we fall behind our competitors who may be getting this right. What do we need to do be doing so we don't mess this up? That discussion inspired this course. I don't know about you, but in my business school I didn't learn how to manage robots, select algorithms, or harness the power of the blockchain. Now, if I were to go back today, I might. But the leadership teams I consult don't have the luxury of going back to school. So I've crafted this course as a form of MBA in digital operations. A brief primer based on lessons I've learned, and takeaways I've gleamed from my work with global firms and global leaders in your shoes. As noted, if you're watching this course you're an executive, an operational leader, or someone who works with leaders to make things happen. By that very nature, you are busy. This class is concise, and supported by a few key exercise files that will include reading lists, frameworks, and outlines for how you can design and communicate digital operations programs. I'll also include a cheat sheet of commonly seen issues and potholes along the way. I hope you'll find these exercise files useful to both you and your teams. Be sure to check them out or refer this course to your heads of operation, transformation, innovation, or whomever else is tasked with driving the new digital world of work within your enterprise.
