From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

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Benefits: ROP portfolio

Benefits: ROP portfolio

- While launching a robotic operating center in Poland earlier this year, I was lucky enough to hear how one of my clients has approached going big with intelligent automation. They used a concept that really stuck with me and is something I share with executive audiences the world over, and I've included it as an exercise file for you. This client's firm realized early on that if each individual project or paving stone on the path to a fully-digital operation had to stand alone and have its own compelling return on investment that many of the projects would have been rejected, unfunded, and ignored. So, instead, they embraced a concept called return on portfolio. They treat each project as part of an overall portfolio, whose collective purpose is to achieve the integrated digital operation they're shooting for. This is sensible for many reasons. Often digital operations projects are additive, building upon one another in ways that sometimes are not immediately clear. For instance…
