From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

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Labor stays, and so do bots

Labor stays, and so do bots

- We're all doomed! Robots are coming for our jobs! Every job, the blue collar, the white collar, the accountant's, the lawyer's, the candlestick makers. Did I get your attention? There are two pervasive narratives right now in the headlines in the world of work. One, AI is magic. We'll cover that in a second. And two, all jobs are doomed. Both of these headlines are wrong, and frankly, just plain boring and played out. The job story has been particularly emotional. Of course, we should worry about wide scale unemployment and a disruption to our livelihoods, but the fact is that's not what we're seeing. The US unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in 50 years, and at time at filming, the jobless rate is at its lowest since 1969. Companies in the US are struggling to find the talent they need to fuel their growth. My own personal experience is that the automation projects performed today are truly giving hours back to the business, freeing up the existing staff to do more valuable…
