From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

Next steps

- So there you have it. A few short, sharp lessons learned from the trenches and from working with enterprises in their trenches. Like I discussed with that CEO who approached me, the new world of work requires that leadership, like you, has a comfort level with a vibrant and exciting set of new tools, but it's also imperative that you not forget the old ones. Remember, it's very likely that you have inspired and passionate teams across the business, actively testing and deploying automation to solve operational challenges they currently face. It's probably too late and too disruptive to stop this activity. Instead, you must harness, direct, and leverage. Declare your bold mandate, set clear and actionable goals, and communicate them to your teams, the market, and to your customers and partners. Avoid buying into the hype, and be sure to invest appropriately for the scale of change and associated impact possible. Appreciate the DNA of your organization, and respect whether you have traditionally been a DIY shop or you've brought in third parties to support the change. Know that there are hurdles along the way, often predictable ones that some preparation, like this course, can help you anticipate and plan for. And finally, the real stars in the story are people and data. Enable your best people to do their best work, and design every digital operations program with the data in mind. It's the people that will continue to innovate, empathize, and serve your customers, and it's the data that will feed the algorithms and models that will help determine your future operational structures, your products and services, and your next wave of digital labor. This course was a summary of the discussions I had with that CEO who was looking for advice, and with various other leaders around the world. I hope you found it helpful. Thanks for your time, and keep setting big goals for your organization. The future of work will be won by the informed and the bold.
