From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

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Where is digital ops?

Where is digital ops?

- So where is digital operations happening? In almost every discussion I lead, people want specific examples. They want to know exactly where others have done it so they can simply copy the approach. I get a bit of a kick out of this because these are often the same folks who spent a decade telling me how special and different their organization is. What I find to be a more useful approach is a set of lenses through which you will examine your existing business because to be somewhat simplistic about it, digital operations can be everywhere in your business from the top to the bottom. In the next two videos, I approach it from a common framework of examining areas traditionally known as the front and the back office. I do so not to give you that catalog or cheat sheet, but instead to give you confidence that digital ops programs are actually happening and actually adding value. But remember, this is not a prescribed roadmap. Every enterprise is unique.
