From the course: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

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The digital operations landscape

The digital operations landscape

- This is not a technical course. But it's important for the sake of context that we recognize that the reason we're talking about the skills to manage a digital operation is because there is a lot of technology in your organization today. And adoption is only accelerating. While there are many frameworks out there that highlight the intelligent automation landscape, I'll use one I've developed for the sake of working with C-suites. The way we approach highlighting the digital operations landscape is to follow the way that work is traditionally done. As you can see on the Intelligent Automation Landscape, work begins on the left when data is received. The data can come in in many formats, whether it's voice, emails, scanned documents, or chat interfaces. The extent to which the data is structured or unstructured determines the type of technology used to interpret it. Once you receive the data you need to do something with it. Often it's an action or request which might be delegated to…
