Exam registration - Exams for Professional Competence Certificate

For the operation of and work with:

  • broadcasting radio equipment placed on board of aircrafts and ships entered in the aircraft, shipping or navigation register of the Czech Republic,
  • land broadcasting radio equipment of a mobile aeronautical and mobile navigation service.
  • radiotelephone and radiotelegraphic land radio broadcasting equipment operated in the short-wave band,
  • radio broadcasting equipment of amateur radiocommunication service,

according to Section 26 of the Electronic Communications Act, person operating the station must be a holder of a valid professional competence certificate for the operation of this equipment (hereinafter “certificate”) or, in case of a legal person, it must be ensured that only a person who has such a certificate operates this equipment.


Types of certificates are issued under Decree No. 157/2005 Coll., on the requirements of an application for the exam to prove professional competence for the operation of radio broadcasting equipment, on the extent of knowledge needed for different professional competence types, on the manner of performing the exam, on the types of professional competence certificates and on the duration of their validity.

Granting a certificate is conditional on the successful passing of an exam of professional competence or the recognition of competence acquired in a different EU Member State.

Contact details for questions about professional competence certificates and exams.


You can sign up for an exam to prove professional competence at CTU by:

  • submitting printed form by post or personally
  • completing the form ZFO No. 10 electronically (interactive - electronic signature or data mailbox required).

An administrative fee for the submission of an application including the issue of a professional competence certificate in amount of CZK 600 is to be paid in advance to the CTU account. A copy of receipt should be attached to the application.

For foreign nationals only: The applicant must attach one actual photography (in a format 35 × 45 mm). The technical design of the photography must correspond to the parameters of the photography required for the issue of an ID card.

If applicant has permanent residency outside the Czech Republic, they must attach a copy of their passport or ID card.

CTU sends invitation in written form not later than within three months of submitting an application. CTU will take into account the applicant's request for the date of participation in the exam, however, all applicants will be enrolled in the order of received applications and the capacity of the exam room. If an applicant is registered for the date of exam, CTU then sends an e-mail invitation 14 days before the date of the exam. Dates of exams are announced at least 30 days in advance on the CTU website in the  Announcement of exam dates section. Exams are usually taken at the registered office of CTU in Prague (for Bohemia) or in Ostrava (for Moravia and Silesia).

Course of the exam

The exam begins with a written test on radiocommunication regulations, radiocommunication operation, electrical engineering, and radio-frequency engineering, which, for some exams, is accompanied by an oral test (GOC, LRC, OFL, OFP, ROC, SRC, TEL, VFL, VFN certificates). At the request of the applicant, one part of the exam for obtaining of the certificate HAREC or NOVICE may also be a practical verification of knowledge of telegraphy.

  • Questions for written tests including correct answers and content of oral exams to obtain a particular type of certificate are published on page Types of certificates.
  • Exam Rules of CTU, which lay down the procedure for providing and taking tests to prove special competence to operate radio broadcasting equipment, to extend the validity of a professional competence certificate and to issue duplicates of such certificates.

A certificate is awarded to a candidate after successfully passing the exam. If the candidate fails the exam, they are offered achance to re-take it.
