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Infohazard Games

A member registered Oct 31, 2016 · View creator page →

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Very well polished game! I love the art style and vibes of it. I honestly could just not figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I might have just been missing something obvious but the tutorial just didn't seem to tell me what to do enough.

Cool ideas, and he presentation was especially great! Would definitely love to see where you could go with this with more time.

This was insanely good! The puzzle mechanic definitely started simple and got quite interesting, but I think the real star was the amazing art and music! Definitely gave me Hollow Knight vibes for some reason.

Great atmosphere and really cool ideas! I did struggle until I figured out I was supposed to be seeing text and played the desktop version lol. After that it was pretty intuitive and I definitely would love to play more!

Very cool take on the theme! I feel like the tutorial tried to explain stuff a bit too fast (and with way too large of text) so it was kind of hard to figure out what I was actually doing. I ended up just pretty much going through each day without doing anything, and wasn't really sure if there was anything I should be doing to get a better score.

Great aesthetics! I really like the music and art style. It was a bit jarring when the FOV changed while I moved, and definitely I think it would be interesting to explore reasons why not to just scale up every platform to the max.

Fun ideas and well made game! I got stuck on the level where you have to time the two wheels just right to hit the goals, I think the timing required was a bit too precise for a puzzle game.

Fun gameplay loop! I really enjoyed it up until the UI couldn't seem to keep up with the scale of the game - my stack of resumes got so high I couldn't see the top haha.

This one was already great in the GMTK jam, and I really like some of the new mechanics! However, I did feel like the difficulty curve was thrown off a bit by the new levels, which seemed way harder than the older ones. It felt a little bit too hard to execute the perfect sequence of inputs needed to beat some of them, and there were a couple (third to last and the boss) that I wasn't able to beat at all.

I love the physics-based claw machine. I don't think I've ever seen that done before in a game! This was a really cool concept and I'm impressed you got it to work! I did get one bug where the physics of the claw went completely crazy and made it unusable for a minute or so, but it eventually fixed itself. I do have a few suggestions:

  • Let me see the toys dropping in and filling up the machine!
  • I would prefer to control the crane on the way back (I know that's not how they normally work but I mean they also don't normally extend outside of the case). If a toy falls out while it is moving back I have to wait for the animation to finish to try again.
  • Perhaps you could determine how far down the claw needs to go by raycasting from the base before it extends, so that it doesn't have extra slack in the rope (although that might have been intentional, not sure).
  • I really wish I didn't have to click a button to reset the items that got knocked out of position, although tbh I'm not sure what a better solution would be.

Some of these pilots seriously need their license revoked... But seriously this game is super fun! Very well executed concept. Once I got the hang of it, it did seem quite easy though. Would like how it would affect the game to be blocked by your own roads, or have to travel over them with highways, so the more you clutter up the map with awkward routes, the harder it becomes.

Played this one during the GMTK jam as well. Definitely feels improved! The audio is a lot better and I feel much more in control. I do have a few suggestions still:

  • The camera feels a bit janky as it sometimes rotates in addition to moving. I think it should only move and have a fixed rotation.
  • I wasn't really able to find much use for punching. It seems like you're kind of just trading damage without being able to avoid the enemy punches.
  • The physics was a bit weird, with the projectiles often flying upwards despite the gameplay and controls being mostly 2D.
  • The jump timing is a bit weird. Feels like gravity is a bit too high possibly.

Super cute game, and quite fun! Definitely challenging but I was surprisingly able to last a decently long time by running back and forth between high places and timing my jumps well. I think one thing I would maybe change is adding a brief moment of invincibility after taking damage, so you can't just be killed instantly by a large swarm. Just my preference though, and I appreciate that also might make it too easy.

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Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.

Played on stream! See the video for timestamp.