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A member registered Jan 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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Simple solid game! Really liked the design of the icons! 

It would've been nice to have some kind of highscore on the screen, or some indication of how much more "heat" you can collect until you get a game over.

The theme of a PC overheating was also pretty cool! Good job!

Very unique idea for a game and really good execution! :) It's more challenging than I first thought it would be, the difficulty racks up quite quickly with the increasing speed. It's a lot of fun to try to reach a new highscore. Great job!!

Really cool game! The idea that you have to freeze as to not get detected is very nice.
I wish the movement was a little faster, but other than that I had a lot of fun with it! There's also a lot of things to discover, which I liked a lot, and the sound effects were also really good. Well done! :)

Thank you for playing our game and leaving a review!

The health not resetting was a design choice, we thought since it's a pretty short game and you could gain back health by collecting fish, it'd be a bit more challenging this way. But since fish also don't respawn I can see how it can become a little frustrating. I hope the checkpoints were frequent enough as to not totally sour your experience! Glad you still beat it, penguin says hi right back at you! :D

Aw thank you for your kind review!!! I'm really happy you had a good time with it :) Since the game was a bit challenging we definitely wanted to make it a bit less frustrating with the checkpoints.

Big Dark Souls fan here! :) We totally wanted to go for a "safe spot" feeling with our campfires! Thanks for playing and reviewing our game, really happy you enjoyed it! :)

Thanks fory our feedback and for playing our game! :) I'm glad you liked it!

Very amazing game!

I LOVED the artstyle of it, and the level design is very well done. Freezing yourself and spawning a new character is such a cool idea. My only wish would've been that freezed characters don't despawn when you die, but otherwise the game was nearly pefect :) good job!

Loved the art! The animation of Bonnie is very cute. Stopping time and spawning blocks is a really fun mechanic. Well done! :)

Very cool idea!! Insane that you programmed CPUs and 4 player mode. I could totally see myself playing this with three other friends as a party game. Good job!

Very polished and fun minigame. The difficulty was very fair. The idea to freeze the player movement was pretty cool! Well done!

I was a little confused in the beginning, but once I figured what was going on, I had a lot of fun and completed the game! The difficulty was just right, I had to retry the last level quite a few times, but not to the point of it being frustrating. The idea of the player character growing and shrinking and incorporating that into the level design was very well done. Good job!

Really amazing idea to have the level elements only move when the player does. The difficulty racked up quite nicely, enjoyed my time with it! Well done!

Hey, thank you so much for your feedback and for playing our game! Glad you liked it :)

Loving the mechanics of this game! It's very fun to weave your way around the blocks. Well done!

VERY cool game! 

It's amazing you were able to make a 3D game within the Jam's restrictions. I kept getting lost, but playing it still was a lot of fun. I also like how you implemented the temperature feature, resting at a campfire to warm up, quite similar to what we did with our game! Good job!

Amazing game!

I really loved that you could save up "lives" in the rythm section to make it through the level :) Was a ton of fun. The difficulty also racked up nicely. Well done!

Love this game! Visually it can be a little hard to tell what is going on sometimes, like at first the water confused me a little. But once I figured everything out, I had a blast solving the puzzle! The difficulty is also very fair. I felt super stressed most of the time, but it was still very doable to make it in time! Congrats!

Thank you so much for leaving such a kind comment and for your feedback! :)

Don't feel bad about your art, having a dedicated artist definitely helped a lot! I couldn't have pulled of anything like that on my own either!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though it was challenging / a little frustrating. Because it was so short it was really hard to balance it in a way that it isn't too easy but also not too hard. I'll keep all the feedback in mind for my next game! :)

Thank you for playing our game and leaving a review! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much! It was our artist who came up with the idea, she really did an amazing job! :)

Thanks for review and for playing our game! I'm glad you liked it :)

Thank you so much for playing the game and for leaving the review!

If the game would've been any longer, I think we definitely would've gone with a 3 heart respawn. Maybe we should've placed more fishes which would've balanced the one heart respawn a little. Next time I'll definitely make sure to playtest more and make the game feel more balanced!
I already mentioned it in another comment, but I had a very hard time making the movement/jump feel right. I think the jump feels a little too floaty, but for the life of me I just couldn't fix it haha. 
I really love your feedback about the death screen, I didn't notice it was showing up too fast but now that you mentioned it I can totally see that. I think a little "death sound" and even a "death sprite" before the end screen pops up would've been pretty nice, I'll totally keep it in mind for future games, thanks a lot!!

Thanks for playing the game and leaving a review! 

Our artist really did an amazing job!
I had a hard time making the movement feel right due to the Nokia limitations, I just could not get the jump to feel quite good. I'm also pretty bad at level design, so all those things added up to the less than ideal difficulty, I'm sorry to hear you got frustrated by it, I didn't think of making the hazards any smaller, this might solve some of the issues. Removing them completly would've made the game too easy, next time I'll keep that in mind, thanks a lot!

Thanks for your review and for playing our game! :) Glad you liked it! Our artist really did an amazing job.

Amazing game. 

I loved how the levels got increasingly harder and the new mechanics were introduced in a way that you immediatly understand how they work. The last level was very hard but so satisfying to figure out eventually. Great work!! 

This game is AMAZING. I had so much fun exploring everything, and I absolutley loved the meta narrative. Great job!

Tethering mechanic is amazing! The narrative was very nice. Didn't expect to get a Game over at the Would you like to die here lmao.

Very cool idea! 
The sun being able to catch you mid air made it a little challenging, but it was fun to complete all the levels :)

Very cool implementation of the freeze theme. Loved the soundtrack!

Only wish the movement speed would have been a little faster.

Really "cool" game :D Loved what you did with the temperature mechanic!

The physics of being able to push her but also pull her via the cord is really neat!

Love the art and how the background moves with the character! 
Fun little game, can totally see a game like this being on a real Nokia.

Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you liked the mechanic!

We had so many different ideas for this jam as well! Will check out your game later, curious to see what idea you went with instead!

Thank you so much for your feedback, I'm glad you liked our game! :)

Thanks for your feedback! :) Glad you liked it. Our artist really did an amazing job!

Glad you were able to finish it even if it was a little bit too challenging!

Yes that's on purpose, we were debating if we should have the player spawn with one or three hearts, and went with one eventually because the game was so short we thought it'd be better for it to be on the more challenging side. Hopefully, it wasn't too frustrating for you!

Yeah I was! 

Opening it directly fixed the problem, thank you!

I won and it only took me 51 moves! 

Really cool design to have a real nokia and have to press the nokia buttons to play the game.

Really cute little game! Love the milestones and that it keeps track of your highscore!

Loved the idea of a puzzle tetris platformer. Really innovative idea. Sadly I got stuck on one of the later levels (where you had to get to the door on the upper floor). Couldn't figure that one out for the life of me. But still really cool game!!!