From the course: Leadership Foundations

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Demonstrating empathy

Demonstrating empathy

- As leadership skillsets continue to evolve, empathy has undeniably become one of the hardest soft skills necessary for successful leaders today. Think about it. The new generation of talent brings varying needs and expectations, and we are working in a more hybrid, hyper-connected remote world and we're living in an era of disruption. As a result, leaders must access capacity to demonstrate greater empathy among other key competencies. So what is empathy in the context of leadership? Pause the video for a moment and write down your definition of empathy. Feel free to use the notebook feature. (upbeat energetic music) In essence, it means valuing the feelings, the fears, perspectives, and experiences of others, avoiding judgment, feeling with others when appropriate, and conveying your understanding of another's emotions, and responding to their needs in order to improve trust, engagement, and performance. Some…
