From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Using a gradient fill layer to add a color wash

Using a gradient fill layer to add a color wash - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

Using a gradient fill layer to add a color wash

- [Instructor] A quick and easy way to add a color wash over a black and white image, is to add a new gradient fill layer. However I do want to point out that this isn't really a black and white image, it is an RGB image, and I know that because I can see that in the tab for the image, and if I choose the Image menu and we go to Mode, it is not Grayscale, it is RGB. And you'll need to be working with an RGB image if you want to add color to your grayscale image. All right, from the bottom of the layers panel, I can select the Gradient fill layer, however, if I click the downward pointing triangle here, and I select from these gradient presets, we can see that the color in the gradient is just covering up the photograph. So I'm going to cancel out of here, and before I click on the icon for the adjustment layer, I'm going to hold down the Option key on Mac or the Alt key on Windows. Now when I select the gradient fill layer,…
