From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Saving and exporting artboards

Saving and exporting artboards - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

Saving and exporting artboards

- [Instructor] When it comes to exporting specific layers or entire artboards, Photoshop has several different options to meet their different needs. I'll go ahead and select multiple artboards in the Layers panel, and then choose File and then Export and Export As. On the left-hand side, we can see all three of the artboards. I'll go ahead and select them, and then we can choose from a variety of different settings on the right. So for format, I will leave this set to JPEG, but I'll increase the quality to Excellent. I'll leave the image size at the default size. I don't need to add any canvas padding around it, but I will include copyright and contact information and embed the color profile. I'll go ahead and export these three images. We'll export them to the Artboards folder and click Open. If instead I needed to export my artboards as layered PSD documents, I could choose File and then Export and then Artboards…
