From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Straightening a crooked image

Straightening a crooked image - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

Straightening a crooked image

- [Instructor] There are several ways that you can straighten an image in Photoshop. The first would be to select the crop tool, so I'll tap the C key and then I'll choose the straighten option in the options bar. Now we can just drag the tool over the straight, horizontal, or vertical in an image, and then release the mouse in order to straighten. You'll notice that the straighten tool is constrained to within the original canvas so no transparent areas are added. You can also hold down the Command key on Mac or the control key on Windows to temporarily access the straighten key when you're using the crop tool. Now, the second method also uses the crop tool. Perhaps there's not a straight, horizontal or vertical in your image that you can measure with the straighten tool. Instead, we can just position our cursor outside of the crop marquee and then just drag to straighten the image. You'll notice that when we rotate…
