From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

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Using Image Processor to batch resize and save files

Using Image Processor to batch resize and save files - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

Using Image Processor to batch resize and save files

- [Instructor] A great way to process several images and save them out in different file formats is by using the image processor script. You can run the script in Photoshop by selecting file and then scripts and then image processor. But if you only want to run the script on a few images in a folder, then it's probably going to be better if we cancel out of here and instead go to Bridge. Because in Bridge I can select the images that I want to run image processor on instead of having to select an entire folder. And then choose tools and then Photoshop and then image processor. Here, it knows that I've only got those three images from Bridge selected, so it's going to select those. I can choose the location to save them. In this case, I'll save them in the same location. And then what file type. JPEG, PSD, or TIFF files. I want to save one set of JPEG files with a high quality of 10, but I'm going to convert the…
