From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

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Applying Blend Modes to Adjustment Layers

Applying Blend Modes to Adjustment Layers - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

Applying Blend Modes to Adjustment Layers

- [Instructor] Typically, Photoshop's adjustment layers affect both the colors and the luminosity values in an image. However, there are times when we may want to isolate the effect of the adjustment layer to a single component such as hue, saturation, color, or luminosity. One of the easiest ways to restrict the way that an adjustment layer blends with the layers below is to use a blend mode. So in the first example, I want to increase the dynamic range of the image. So from the bottom of the layers panel, I'll choose the curves adjustment layer. Then I'll drag the black point over to the right and the white point over to the left and we can add a little bit of contrast to the image. Now, we've made a pretty drastic change and you probably notice that there's been an increase not only in contrast, but also in saturation. If I want to limit the adjustment layer to only affect the luminosity and not the color or…
