From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

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Saving and exporting artboards

Saving and exporting artboards - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training

Saving and exporting artboards

- [Instructor] When it comes to exporting specific layers or entire artboards, Photoshop has several different options that we can use depending on our needs. So if I want to just export all of my artboards, I don't even need to select all of them. I can just choose File and then Export, Export As, and we can see that Photoshop selects all of the artboards for me. Then I can choose which artboards I want to select, with whatever settings, for example, if I want to save them as JPEGs or PNG or GIF files. In this case, I'll save all of them as JPEGs at their original size. I don't need to add any canvas size around them, but I will include my copyright and contact information, convert them to sRGB, and embed the color profile. When I click Export, we can navigate to the Exercise Files and then down to Artboards. I'll create a new folder and just call this ExportAs, and then export those three files. All right, if we need to…
